What Gaming Tech Trends are Dominant in The US in 2024?
Gaming in the US in 2024 will offer a mix of fantasy and reality. 5G internet connectivity, augmented reality, and virtual reality are powering the development and accessibility of new-generation games.
From online casino gaming in locations with the strictest regulations to stepping into the game via VR headsets, these are the dominant gaming tech trends in the US in 2024.
Online Casino Gaming
Despite the tight regulations by multiple states in the US, the online gambling market is still projected to generate $23.03 billion in revenue in 2024. The industry is growing at a compound annual growth rate of 8.86% while revenues from physical casinos across the states remain flat.
Over the years, certain casino games have gained immense popularity among the US audience. Some of them include blackjack, roulette, baccarat, etc. Seeing as there is a huge demand for these games despite the obvious restrictions, the largest game suppliers in the US online casino market have upped their game since 2024 began in a tussle for a larger market share.
Among the multiple US states with strict online gambling regulations, Floridians tend to get the best options, as many online casinos licensed outside the US cater to them with the best titles.
Mobile and Portable Gaming Devices
More US gamers are ditching PC and consoles for mobile games or games that can be played on portable hand-held devices. This trend is partly due to the earlier successes of AR-powered mobile games like Pokémon Go and Ingress. Many players have gotten a taste, and they want more.
Furthermore, the growing adoption of cutting-edge technologies like 5G networks and augmented and virtual reality is also powering the immersive experiences that many users crave. The US market is also experiencing an increase in the amount of hyper-casual games.
There are also rumors that Nintendo plans to release a new version of the Nintendo Switch Console in 2024. Should that come into the picture, it’ll probably be a game, set, and match for mobile gaming in the US in 2024.
Cloud Gaming
Cloud services are one of the major infrastructures supporting the development of this growing mobile gaming trend. Most of these games have advanced packages that will affect a device’s performance if fully stored on the hardware.
That is why many gaming companies are taking advantage of the emerging cloud technology in the US to support the streaming of advanced games on mobile or any kind of device from any location. It’s a major technology powering fan-favorite PUBG and Fortnite games.
Of course, the increased investments and developments in 5G technology are required for seamless execution. However, the US is also one of the major countries making major strides in that regard.
It’s faster, more efficient, and delivers a better experience, and it’s not going away any time soon.
Fitness Gaming
The US and the world are experiencing a health-conscious shift toward the importance of physical activity in our daily lives. Gamers, in particular, have been associated with living a sedentary lifestyle due to the long hours of thrill they derive from gaming.
However, the development of AR and VR technologies has spiced up the industry, as the technology is facilitating the overlay of physical objects into a virtual environment.
The endpoint is that individuals can enjoy the irreplaceable charm of physical media in this digital age. These games employ technologically advanced devices like headsets and hand controllers to ensure that a physical experience is both engaging and immersive.
At this point, there’s really no reason for anyone not to want to participate in 2024.
AR, VR, and Mixed Reality in Gaming
Augmented and Virtual Reality have been recurring themes in the dominant tech trends discussed earlier. Yet, they deserve a standalone mention, as their impact on the US gaming industry is pronounced.
Tech giant Apple launched its groundbreaking VR headset, the Apple Vision Pro, in February 2024, and the reactions have been just as you might expect. While some think the device is a bit pricey, Apple CEO Tim Cook thinks it is priced right, considering the value it offers. It features two OLED displays packed with a staggering 23 million pixels, 12 cameras, and Apple’s M2 chip, among other amazing features, so you can tell it is quite something. Reality will be blurred, and sci-fi movies will be coming to reality as these technologies gear up to offer gamers a mixed reality experience.
Plenty of high-quality headset specs are also set to launch before the year ends. These devices (headsets and glasses) are already creating the sensation of actually being in the game. We also expect to see more immersive haptic gloves that can heighten the senses and impacts experienced in a game.
The future is here!
Blockchain and Web3 Gaming
More developers and gaming companies will be building their games on the blockchain in 2024.
Why not? The benefits, most notably the promise of a more transparent gaming experience for gamers, are hard to overlook. The technology tracks game data and records it on a distributed ledger visible to both gamers and developers.
For a long time, the video gaming narrative has been one in which developers have been in charge, while the only upside for the gamer is the thrill. With blockchain gaming, decentralized gaming markets exist where players get to tokenize their virtual assets, exchange them, and sell them for fiat or other currencies. Microtransactions have already been a norm for a while now.
So, in 2024, the fact that the blockchain can be used to secure these assets and players’ accounts will play a huge role in establishing their dominance, especially in the US market, where there is a high crypto adoption rate.
The “mind-blowing” tech stuff that could “only happen in movies” is here. Gamers can win and get paid from online casinos seven seas away from them; in-game currencies can now be converted for real money.
2024 is the 21st-century Wild West era of gaming in the US.
In a good way, of course! Enjoy it!