Have you been thinking about creating your mobile fitness app for a long time but have yet to dare implement it? Don’t be afraid—it’s not scary at all.
You will only need to find experienced mobile programmers. Fitness app developers will do most of the work themselves, and you will only occasionally take part in discussions.
Features of fitness apps
A fitness app is a very vague concept. It can be a program with workouts and various exercises for losing weight, an application for switching to proper nutrition and dieting, or even a program for doing yoga. Any developer of such applications knows this, so the first thing they will do is ask you about the type of future project.
However, all types of fitness programs have one thing in common: the presence of certain typical functions and capabilities. The standard package of features of any such application includes:
- registration and authorization function;
- user profile or personal account;
- the ability to connect applications to other devices (for example, fitness bracelets or smart watches);
- ability to track user results;
- geolocation function, which can help the user quickly get to the gym or health food store in his city;
- possibility of messages and reminders;
- the ability to set specific goals for the user;
- the possibility of monetizing the application (paid programs and features, selling goods and services, or displaying advertising).
Fitness app development by professionals
Programmers consider all factors and customer wishes during the development of such applications. Typically, this process consists of the following steps:
- Preparing for development. At this stage, the customer and the contractor create a complete picture of the future finished application. They are determined by its main tasks, goals, as well as the operating system for which it will be intended. They also evaluate the market, study the details and determine the final cost of the product.
- Planning. An analysis of the market, target audience, and competitors is carried out to understand the application’s future users and ways to attract them. Based on the data obtained, programmers develop the basic concept of the product.
- Development and testing. At this stage, the designer develops the application’s design, taking into account the interface and user experience. A product prototype is created and approved, after which developers begin writing code. Technical development of the application begins. Then, it is tested and checked for bugs.
- Release and post-release support. Next, the finished application is uploaded to the marketplace (Play Market for Android, App Store for iPad and iPhone). The previously developed marketing plan is being implemented. Post-release support includes fixing bugs, creating updates, working with user feedback, and periodically improving the program version.
The cost of developing such an application will depend on many factors (type of platform, number of functions, adding additional features, etc.). Usually, the final amount is determined based on the time spent on development. It takes 50 hours to prepare a project, 100 hours to develop the design and concept, and 100 hours or more to create the application.