January 17, 2025


Dating as a Christian can be both exciting and challenging. On the one hand, you get to explore relationships and know new people. On the other hand, you want to honour God and your faith in how you conduct yourself. Though the path is not always easy, there are practical steps you can take to date in a God-honoring way. With wisdom, patience and reliance on Scripture, you can navigate dating in a way that glorifies Christ and builds your faith.

Seek Guidance in Prayer

As with any significant life decision, start by bringing your dating life to God in prayer. Ask Him to guide you to people of faith who will be a good fit. Pray for the wisdom to know when to move forward or end a dating relationship. Bring Him any questions about physical intimacy, boundaries and discerning a potential spouse—approach dating as an opportunity to deepen your walk with God. Allow Him to shape your character and mindset when it comes to relationships.

Attend Church Regularly

Being part of a strong Christian community is crucial when dating as a believer. Regular church attendance keeps you grounded in faith and exposes you to like-minded singles. Get involved in ministry and attend community groups to meet people who share your values. Serve alongside other singles your age and build godly friendships. This will expand your social circle and bolster your faith during the ups and downs of dating. Surrounding yourself with faithful believers committed to following Jesus is essential.

Set Physical Boundaries

One area that can get tricky when dating is physical intimacy and purity. Approach this topic prayerfully and seek God’s wisdom for your situation. It is wise to have an open conversation early and discuss boundaries honouring both people’s faith convictions. Some choose to refrain from all physical intimacy until marriage. Others progress gradually while abstaining from sex itself. There are merits and drawbacks to both approaches. The key is staying anchored in prayer and God’s Word versus relying on fluctuating emotions or desires. Your faith community and mentors can provide guidance here as well.

Look Beyond Externals

It’s easy to get caught up in superficial externals when dating – how cute, funny, successful, or spiritual a person seems. But genuine faith goes far beneath the surface. Make it a priority to truly get to know someone’s character, motivations, maturity and compassion. Watch how they treat others when it “doesn’t count.” Have they embraced sacrifice and selflessness to honour God? Do they take their faith seriously even when it’s costly? The right person will share your deepest values and spur you on to greater Christ-centeredness. Look beyond externals.

Move Slowly Toward Commitment

Guard your heart as you get to know potential partners. Give yourself time to observe the consistency of character before growing attached. Resist rushing into exclusivity, meeting families or discussing marriage too quickly. It is wise to discuss more profound spiritual expectations in relationships before commitment. Address topics like devotional habits, views on submission, church involvement, tithing, child-rearing, etc. Moving slowly clarifies whether you are aligned in the areas that matter most. Let commitment flow from actual knowledge of and godly love for a person.

Embrace Accountability

Choosing accountability will strengthen your walk with Christ in dating. Confide in faithful mentors and friends who can pray for you and keep you on track. Be humble enough to confess sins and temptations and ask for help staying aligned with God’s Word. When you feel your heart drifting, surround yourself with believers who will gently challenge any unhealthy patterns while offering grace. Their wisdom and support help avoid regret and honour God through all the ups and downs. Accountability builds integrity that glorifies Christ.

Let Faith Guide Your Choice

Ultimately, who you date and potentially marry is one of your most significant decisions. Approach it carefully and prayerfully. While many factors come into play, a shared and active faith should be non-negotiable. This provides a firm foundation for a God-honoring marriage and family. Trust that if He has someone in mind for you, He will make it clear in His timing. Be patient for His best rather than rushing into relationships that will not go the distance. Let your choices reflect your desire to honour and obey Christ above all else.


Dating as a Christian holds excellent potential for intimacy founded on faith. You can develop relationships that strengthen your walk with Christ, with God’s truth as your anchor. Seek accountability, wisdom and community on the journey. Approach dating decisions prayerfully and remain open to God’s guidance. Trust that following Jesus – not fickle emotions – will lead you to His best in relationships. Stay grounded in Scriptural truth. Allow God to shape you into someone who loves others as He has loved you. Then, you will date for the short-term and the eternal impact. Adelaide dating services can provide additional support and community as you navigate Christian dating platforms.